An analysis of the most used websites in Portugal regarding accessibility web in the tourism sector

Maria J. A. Gonçalves, Ana P. Camarinha, António J. Abreu, Sandrina F. Teixeira, Amélia Ferreira da Silva


Technologies have been experiencing strong growth in the tourism industry, mainly with the use of emerging technologies. This growing predominance is based on web 2.0 with regard to communication and also the semantic web, allowing an easy integration be-tween the tourist entities involved. However, are web tools designed and coded proper-ly, for use by people with disabilities? This article aimed to present the results of acces-sibility on the websites of tourism. Each home page was analyzed in terms of web ac-cessibility from the World Wide Web Consortium (W3C). It has been found that the ma-jority of home pages fail in one or more W3C web accessibility measures, which means that users with disabilities may have substantial problems accessing the websites. Several suggestions on how to improve the accessibility of the websites are offered. This study contributed to the discussion on the use of tourism technologies by people with disabilities.

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International Journal of Information Systems and Tourism (IJIST)

ISSN: 2530-3260